It’s a Wonderful Life

It’s the theme of this blog.

I am Soapbox Bob – Robert Klein a Pre-Retiree Affiliate Marketer
and I get Jasper – an AI Voice Narrator to do a lot of my talking.

If you are not yet retired then you are like me, a Pre-Retiree!

Jasper and I both, empathize with you if your attempts at affiliate marketing have not yet been to your liking. We want to introduce you to various health and wealth gurus that can help you deal with your dismal performance as an affiliate; and lead you through some experiences maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

A Healthy You translates to Your Healthy Business Online!

About this Affiliate Marketing Blog

As the name suggests – someone – either moi or another mentor or topic of my choosing shall take a spot up on the virtual soapbox.

I intend to pull you along in my journey as an Affiliate Marketer-in-training. And I’ll talk about what I’m doing and promoting health-wise.

And I will blantantly try to get you to see the benefits of being part of a vibrant community of like-minded. That goes for meeting up with fellow affiliate marketers and meeting up with healthy lifestyle-minded folks. (be pre-warned, lol)

I’m hoping to prove to you that if I can – so can you.

I have already seen some success with affiliated connections, but I also climb up from a bankruptcy here in Calgary, Alberta Canada.

And while I have hit some success milestones health-wise, I also adamantly state that, “THE GUT HAS GOT TO GO!!!

And it’s gonna take a lot of hard work but I plan on my online business to be a fine side-hustle to help me maintain a well-off standard of living that affords me and my bud Randy both the health and the wealth to enjoy more tropical vacations.

And I am now on a countdown to retirement…

49 weeks to go as of September 12, 2024.

I aim to bring you new content at least once weekly. And I hope I can help you see the light of where to get healthier and wealthier; and who to get advice from and learn much from to also maintain a fine side-hustle as an affiliate. With proper focus, all you need is an hour per day to work on becoming a profitable affiliate marketer.

It's a wonderful life! Introducing Soapbox Bob an Affiliate Marketer.
Soapbox Bob – Robert Klein’s mug

Introducing Soapbox Bob – According to Jasper, My Official AI Voice Narrator

And the topic of today’s soapbox talk is more of an introduction of myself.

I’ll give you a little insight to myself and what it was that brought me to this point in my life.

And to accomplish this, I invite you to listen to this short introduction audio narrated by my good AI buddy named Jasper. In time, Jasper will be host to a number of YouTube videos on Soapbox Bob’s Channel.

Please have a listen to Jasper.



A Quick Summary

So there you have it!

Insight to my life in a nutshell with the important message being that I believe I am on the right track building my business.

I hope you feel enlightened with introducing Soapbox Bob an Affiliate Marketer.

Follow along on these Soapbox talks as I’m confident this content can help you create the profitable business you desire.

And most importantly, I hope to help you live a Wonderful Life!

#healthybusiness # healthylife #affiliatemarketing #ai #aivoice

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