A Plain and Simple
Success Statement

Success comes down to
doing the obvious things
for an uncommon period of time
without convincing yourself
that you are smarter
than you really are.

You Can Do This!

Statistics tell us that it is uncommon for most people to achieve the results we want on the Internet.


Another way put, It is uncommon for us starting out and sticking with it long enough to be called a success and for it to pay off. Sound familiar?


Here and Now.

We all would love to do something for a few hours and immediately start seeing results.


But it takes longer when we are just starting out.


We Can Buck the Trend!


If we stick at something, we start to learn it. We start to get better. We make mistakes and learn from it. And over time we get to see positive progress and then results.


We also need to be aware when we are say – in the middle of some training video and declare to ourselves that we know this and decide to cut corners.


Intentions are good in wanting to get results faster but the outcome isn’t usually what we wanted.


I think I am smarter than I am.


Stick With The Proven Plan Until Successful!

I would like to believe that you would embody the statement up top with every ounce of your being so that you are able to achieve success.


Another way put, Repeat after me…

I will find success when I focus on the things I need to do for a long (or uncommon) period of time, without cutting corners and skipping bits and by paying full attention to what is being taught. That is how I will find success.


Cheers to our achievable success,
Soapbox Bob – Robert Klein

A Profile Picture for Soapbox Bob - Robert Klein, an Affiliate marketing Success.

p.s. The book from Dean is a refreshing Proven Plan that I follow and it will help You achieve Internet Success if you follow it.

Come join me and read the book.


Read more about me in my “about” post.

3 thoughts on “Success”

    1. Thank you for your comment George. My Mentor, Dean Holland made a very similar post in our private Facebook Group today. He starts the message off by stating this isn’t the only way but it’s one REALLY effective way to be a success.

      Pick ONE traffic source. Master it.

      Of course, Dean’s message contains much more advice – but that’s a benefit of becoming a Certified Partner.
      Robert Klein recently posted…New CommunityMy Profile

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