The Proven Plan for Affiliate Marketing Success

Ignore Those Shiny Objects and Follow a Proven Plan!


When you have a proven plan like I do, it is still sometimes difficult to ignore all those shiny objects.


I have one of those shouting out to me. The ad copy is brilliant with having me to believe in three easy steps I’d be set for thousands of dollars per day.


I’ve played their game before. Maybe I will be one of the lucky ones. But in all likelihood Maybe not. All I know is that within the blink of a day I could be shelling out a thousand dollars in the name of testing!


Dean Talks to us about a Proven Plan

I know better now even with the temptation being ever present in my email inbox. And I’ll settle for my current $5 USD budget daily.


It is my belief that If I stick to this one proven plan and follow it
– not for one day, not for one month
but for consistent effort working on this plan for one year,


I will have found a secret to success
and I will likely have uncovered that for you as well.


Up on the Soapbox today, I have Dean sharing with us
the secret to getting rich online.



Dean has it for you in the video above.


The secret to getting rich with Affiliate Marketing comes
with following a Proven Plan
and if you work at it with consistent daily action for a year,
just see how far you’ve come.


If you’ve worked on a plan and you are still not seeing results,

I invite you to click my certification seal below
to check out the beginnings of a proven plan
which can be of value to you.

It all starts with this easy to read 163 pages that can make you an
“unstoppable force in creating your dream life as an affiliate online”.


Click my Seal of Completion for sa Proven Plan

If this is your first time here, have a look at my introductory blog posting which tells a little more about me:

Introducing Soapbox Bob an Affiliate Marketer


To your success!
Soapbox Bob – Robert Klein

2 thoughts on “Proven Plan”

  1. Thank you, Bob, for the reminder! It is so needed sometimes, just be consistent one hour a day, and you will get there! Excited to watch you on your journey to success!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. If you have not already, check out the video I made in celebration of receiving a 4-Figure Club award yesterday. Exciting times these are!

      I’ve been keeping my eye on the news and there are lay-offs all over. I am certainly glad NOT be in that situation and holding my breath in hopes that I wouldn’t get laid-off. I am DONE with that kind of thing. Best of luck to you Alison!

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