After identifying my Top 4 Tasks for Affiliate Marketing Success, in my last post I’d like you to know that my website that is co-branded with Dean Holland and myself is truly your gateway to creating a digital business online and achieving your goals of making money online. You can have a look at my co-branded site with this handy guide I call TIE TOC. Watch the Free 10 Minute video in the side bar
and you will get a link to it by subscribing to my email list. And by ordering the book, we’ll get you hooked up with content coming directly from Dean Holland himself. Not to forget to mention the content coming from myself – Soapbox Bob – Robert Klein. I only recently learned that Dean can personally track 1100 folks that he’s helped achieve Affiliate Marketing Success. There are likely others.
TIE TOC: The Iceberg Effect, Table Of Contents
This guide will speed you through my co-branded site and it should not be confused with an actual Table of Contents for The Iceberg Effect book.
Table of Contents – A Guide
- 2 minute video of Dean Holland laying it out for you.
- What is The Iceberg Effect
- A foreword by Russel Brunson
- Profile pictures of Dean Holland and myself
along with me laying it out for you from my stance.
- A Shocking Confession
(important to read if you’re a magic-button seeker) - What’s Inside The Book?
- How Affiliate Marketing ACTUALLY works today
(This is a huge section and very detailed.)
- How Affiliate Marketing ACTUALLY works today
- Why are we giving you this book for FREE?
- Bonuses we are giving you.
- Audio book
- An Iceberg Effect Masterclass
- Seven days of Mystery Surprises
- An impressive guarantee for 30 days
In Summary
My TIE TOC above gives you the an overview of the contents of my co-branded site and you have my permission to scroll all the way to the end though it’d be nice if you checked out sections 1 & 2.
When you get to the end, look for this handy banner
and it will get you moving in the right direction.