My Shared Experience


Tips and Trips take on a whole new meaning in the context of my good and bad experiences as I Learn the Ropes of Part-Time Affiliate Marketing. After my last post I wanted to now share a little more detail about what I’m intending to do from here.


Main Options to Making Money Online

Over the past number of years since 2003 I’ve been attracted to few main options, these are:

  • Drop Shipping
  • Facebook Marketplace Drop Shipping
  • Affiliate Marketing on YouTube with no Lead Capture
  • Affiliate Marketing – Part-time

After dabbling in all 4, the one that appeals most is the part-time affiliate marketing. Truth be told, the drop shipping took too much of my time. And with the ups and downs of the supply chain, I had built up some serious anxiety whether customers would receive their purchases in a timely matter or not.


And the ad costs with affiliate marketing on YouTube were outrageous. One could go into serious debt before they hit their breakthrough and begin to make their investment back. There were no Tips and Trips for those ventures because I’ve learned the biggest trip-up on my part – was that I never stuck with it long enough to make it work.


Part-time Work Equates to More Free Time!

The Part-time Affiliate Marketing on the other hand seems like a great opportunity as it better fits my goal of living life better – which equates to more free time to plan those tropical vacations that I have been oh so missing since the beginning of the pandemic.


Another decision I’ve made (and it’s a big one) is to stop going it alone on this journey and instead get some real help.


So, I’ve decided to get a mentor and join a product that provides me with everything I need with a guy named Dean Holland and his team. The product is the Internet Profits Accelerator PRO coaching program.


Achievements and Plans

Right now I am closing in on four months with a handful of book sales and – get this – a sizeable commission on a high ticket item already.


My plan going forward – is to share everything I’m learning and doing – as well as my results – good and bad.  i.e. Tips and Trips. Yes, I will throw in the odd recreational trip but for the most part the trips will be about the mistakes I have made.


If you’re interested in seeing what I learn in the program be sure to follow along here as I plan to pick up the frequency of my posts here in this “Wonderful Life” blog.


Be sure to leave a comment below and let me know what it is you’re
currently doing online, I’d love to know!

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