Top 4 Tasks for Affiliate Marketing Success
Before I get into the Top 4 Tasks,
Here I am – the day after my monthly marketing results review came out. Part of the deal I bought into with Internet Profits is the Coaching. Go to the TALK TO ME link at the top of this page and ask to see the New Way Webinar if you’d like to know more. The coaching includes a monthly review of my marketing results for the prior month. It was Dean Holland that recorded the review and I just watched it last night.
4 Figure Club
In Dean’s review he quipped that it took him 5 years to achieve my results compared to my just about 4 months. Commission day is coming up soon, so I’ll believe it when it happens but I’m proud to say (commission gods willing) I can apply for a 4 Figure Club Award. This is truly the most money I have ever made online. I attribute that to an item that is at the top of my daily task list, “The Morning Four” and more importantly – working on consistency with my emailings to you. So, in accordance with the Subject line of this blog…
My Top 4 Tasks for Affiliate Marketing Success
is…“The Morning Four” which is now a one-line item on my task list daily.
I open my tracking spreadsheet and transfer these counts and amounts:
1. Yesterday’s Meta Lead Ads results.
2. Yesterday’s subscribers from the Lead Ads.
3. Yesterday’s link tracking results and commissions (if any lol).
4. After I save the tracker spreadsheet, I check my Blog email account: to keep in touch with you directly.
That’s about 15 minute’s work after you get on a daily roll. Then one can spend their remaining time working their traffic source to help achieve marketing success.
Dean did notice I have more time than most to contribute to my success but he mentioned that most folks starting up have only an hour to spare for their efforts. And that one hour is all that is required to complete the 4 tasks and some work on your traffic source for affiliate marketing success.
In Summary
Get in the habit of tracking yesterday’s results (even if they are all zeros).
Work your chosen traffic source to consistently make authentic connections with your audience daily. Work those two items consistently in minimally one hour per day and it really is possible to meet and beat your goals of affiliate marketing success.
Chat at ya again soon…
Soapbox Bob – Robert Klein
If you missed it, check out my Tips and Trips post.
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