Dealt With in an Easier Manner


In this blog post, you will find out about how your ups and your downs can be dealt with in an easier manner.

Dealt with in an easier manner

I give you some encouraging words on the topics of mindset, traffic and types of traffic.

And finally I conclude with a video from me and from Dean about achieving affiliate marketing success.


If you are questioning whether Affiliate Marketing can enable you to collect a full-time income and to be your own boss, then question no further.

To me it makes sense that affiliate marketing is a perfect beginners business model to start out with online.

For those like me, we breeze through the learning part and we can easily start on putting what we learn into practice.

You may be different and require more time to learn the concepts and perhaps more time to put that learning into practice.

We are all unique individuals and if you were to go through the Internet Profits training – you would find we all start out with the same info, the same resources and the same support.


The Blinders have Fallen

But then you start to hear about others in your cohort that begin to excel and their commissions start rolling in.

If at this point you are wondering what is up with that – then I want you to stop in your tracks and get you to stop comparing yourself to others.

I have learned that it is far more important to focus on developing my own mindset and attitude.

I need to become a person that is capable of success. And we all need a periodic review of our capability in this area.

I, you, we – we all experience times of fear, frustrations, overwhelm, and negativity.

If we have that capability of success in mind…
and we have an established “Why” to pull us through thick and thin,
then all the fears, frustrations, overwhelm, and negativity
can be dealt with in an easier manner.

Just remember to put the blinders back on if they’ve fallen.



I really haven’t gotten into talking to you about traffic much – but I’m dealing in a good amount of it.

So, I feel I need to bring you up to speed on this “traffic” thing in marketing online before I get into any specifics on my own circumstances.

You are my traffic. And traffic is website visitors. But never forget traffic is people.

As an online business owner, I cater to the people of that traffic.

And if you – my traffic – have similar interests to me – then you are Targeted Traffic.

Traffic is temperate and reflective of the stage of the realtionship: cold, warm and hot.

And a little more to the point…

  • Cold is not knowing me. I am an uttter stranger to the masses.
  • Warm – may know me or may have heard of me, maybe even like me
  • Hot – knows me, likes me, trusts me (KLT)

Organic and Paid and Not

Now that you know a bit about traffic, let’s move onto how to get the traffic flowing.

In my business I currently use one Organic Traffic strategy and one Paid.

Yesterday I had those two choices in type of traffic. Today I have Three. Let’s start with the first – Organic.


Organic Traffic

This is about creating and publishing my conent online for my target audience to consume.

I invest my time on this traffic strategy.

And if I’m smart about it, my content should take on three forms: text, audio and video.

Then with those media formats I would use blogs, podcasts and really – anyone of the social media platforms to get my video content out there.

I have also just recently learned the importance of video taping myself as it gives my viewers more insight into what makes me tick. You can get some of that from my writing and even from my audible intonations. But the Audio-Visual content is what I need to work on.

You are encouraged to pick just one organic traffic strategy at a time – and master it before moving onto another. And I’m talking months – if not years of mastery. And Mastery meaning you are profiting consistently using that strategy.


Paid Traffic

I give myself more control of the business with paid traffic advertising.

It takes on several forms: per click, per visitor, per impression, per view…

A basic strategy is to test small and scale slowly.
Minimally $5 US per day budget should be your starting point.

At that cost I’m getting 3 or 4 leads per day with my paid Facebook Lead Ads – not to be confused with Facebook Ads.

And again I say,
If you have that capability of success in mind…
and you have an established “Why” to pull yourself through thick and thin,
then all the ups and the downs of your chosen traffic strategy
can be dealt with in an easier manner.

Expect not to be any good at first.


And Not Paid Traffic

Now we come to my new circumstances – and my third choice in type of traffic.

My biggest naysayer is my accountant.

He tells me – no more business expenses.

And on top of that – I may be facing a bankruptcy.

I was funding the business with my money in the form of shareholder loans to the company.

I’ve been doing that monthly for 3 years now.

I’ve invested a whole lot and mostly from retirement funds and I was hoping the company would be able to pay that back to me.

But that is looking not good. I’ll need to do a lot of re-adjusting.

And it looks like I will have an Organic and Not Paid Traffic strategy

I must say though, I am getting plenty of fears, frustrations, overwhelm, and negativity going through my mind.

But you know what I have to say to that…
If I have that capability of success in mind…
and I have an established “Why” to pull me through thick and thin,
then the fears, frustrations, overwhelm, and negativity
can be dealt with in an easier manner.

I\’m still grappling with making a pre-paid deposit or not – with the Facebook Ads Manager.

But I’m preparing myself for this Not Paid Traffic option.


In Conclusion

In Conclusion please have a listen to my thoughts and Dean’s thoughts for achieving affiliate marketing success.

I have actually shut down and most of that content is here in this blog.

And if you want to delve into that topic a little further, Dean has a short 10-Minute training video for you that you can get from a Free 10 Min. Video link on this page.

If you are on a desktop or even tablet it is in the right sidebar under my photo.

And if you are on mobile, scroll aaall the way down to the bottom and up about three sections where you can find the video training link under my photo.

Please let me know in the comments if this extra large font size works out better on mobile or not.

6 thoughts on “Dealt With in an Easier Manner”

  1. Hi Robert,

    Thank you for sharing your experience with traffic, organic, paid, and mindset.

    Congratulations on pulling together a successful strategy for your organic traffic through video. I also like your intro in the video below to introduce your coach.

    Would you share one of the main differences between Facebook Lead Ads and Facebook Ads?
    Eleanor Hope recently posted…Facing Your Fears in Stormy WeatherMy Profile

  2. Hi Robert,
    I’m a bit in the same situation as you; I have a company that tends to be the “bank roller” of my internet endeavours.
    This time around though, I decided to use the “free” traffic option and once I get pretty good at that, I’ll want to include the “paid” traffic side of things.
    Hope to read that things are looking brighter for you – you are definitely going about it the right way: having a mentor like Dean will definitely help in your success.

  3. I just got finished reading many posts and all had small font. I decided to stop and read yours lastly. Thanks so much for the larger font but probably don’t need to space it apart so much.

    I appreciate your outlining your traffic strategies. What I get from that is delve deeply on a chosen traffic flow and incorporate others when it’s time, once again to incorporate other strategies. Also, listening to intuition is vital for true success.

  4. Robert, thank you so much for the summary and recap on traffic. It’s very important subject and one that we can easily forget or get complacent on. I’ll be using this as a reference to refer back to as one needed. Thank you so much, thanks, Atif

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